West Lyon Farm Condominium Association (WLFCA)
A nine-member Board of Directors governs the West Lyon Farm Condominium Association (or the Association), which includes 155 residences, of which 124 units are detached dwellings and 31 units are townhomes. While there are multiple cul-de-sacs, the Association is divided into six sections based on street numbers.  Elections occur every June; however, directors’ three-year terms are staggered to insure continuity. Directors must retire after serving two consecutive three-year terms, but may seek re-election after one year of retirement. The WLFCA Board convenes monthly and Unit Owners are encouraged to attend these meetings. The fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30 of the following year with Association common charges due in the first month of each quarter. Individual common charges are calculated by multiplying WLFCA annual budgeted revenue by the percentage of ownership interest allocated to a Unit.
As stated in the bylaws of the Association, “the Board of Directors has, subject to the limitations contained in this Declaration and the Act, the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the affairs of the Association and of the Common Interest Community.” While a comprehensive list of duties is found in the Residents Handbook (WLFCA By-Laws, Article 2.2), directors may adopt and amend budgets, hire and discharge managing agents and employees, regulate and grant permission for owner landscaping and renovation, and regulate the use and maintenance of common elements. The Board also may establish Committees or Working Groups by the adoption of a resolution describing the function of each in the form of a mission statement. Four Committees currently assist the work of the WLFCA Board of Directors. They include Architectural Review, Facilities, Finance, and  Grounds Committees. Committees and Working Groups serve only to advise and make recommendations to the Board of Directors on policy matters and specific tasks relating to their mission statements. The Board President appoints individuals to serve on Committees and Working Groups, subject to rules for confirmation particular to each entity.